Kelly Nathan Audiology provides clients with an individualised service for all their hearing health needs, in a nurturing environment, improving their communication and quality of life.
The stigma and shame surrounding hearing loss both in the workplace and in the home, does not help those effected in seeking out the professional care, that could and in most cases does, improve their lives. The stigma around hearing loss is to a large extent informed by the ignorance of the general public around what ‘Hearing Loss’ is and how it can be treated. To help combat this ignorance; Audiology needs to be put center stage, as the field most equipped to inform, treat and improve the lives of those effected by hearing impairment.
We offer a set of very specific services to our clients, from hearing screenings to hearing aid fittings. We treat our patients impairment with the utmost sensitivity and efficiency
Manor Medical Center
189 Kelvin Drive
Morningside Manor
Diagnostic hearing tests in a soundproof booth for both adults and children
- Hearing is assessed using extensive testing of the outer, middle and inner ear as well as hearing function in noise. This information is then used to determine a suitable and appropriate management plan or necessary referral to another healthcare professional.
Otoacoustic Screening for Newborns (under a year old)
- The baby’s hearing is screened using objective otoacoustic emissions. A “pass” sticker is provided for your baby’s medical records upon completion or a necessary referral to another healthcare professional should further testing be required.
Annual aviation & medical assessments in soundproof booth
- Hearing is assessed using extensive testing of the outer, middle and inner ear as well as the assessment of hearing aid benefit, should it be required. A diagnostic report is provided, and CAA checklist completed.
Annual hearing screeners for school (3 years and older)
Completed off site for more than 30 children
- Testing includes screening of hearing using pure tones and a middle ear function assessment, if required. A parent report is provided for each child screened.
- Fitting of internationally recognized and reputable hearing aids and assistive devices, using sophisticated programming software
- Adjustment of most hearing aids to better meet your hearing needs
- Assisting you in Servicing and Repairs for your hearing aids
- Custom-made swimplugs & sleep earplugs
- Hearing protection for musicians, dentists, hunters
- Provision of custom-made media earpieces for broadcasting
- We carry a full range of hearing aid batteries and hearing aid accessories including waxguards, domes, cleaning tools and dehumidifying capsules.
Audiology is a branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders. Its practitioners who treat patients with hearing loss and proactively prevent related damage are Audiologists.
Employing various testing strategies (e.g. hearing tests, otoacoustic emission measurements, videonystagmography, and electrophysiologic tests), audiology aims to determine whether someone can hear within the normal range, and if not, which portions of hearing (high, middle, or low frequencies) are affected, to what degree, and where the lesion causing the hearing loss is situated (outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, auditory nerve and/or central nervous system). – Wikiwand
At Kelly Nathan Audiology, I am most concerned with the well-being of all my patients. I conduct very thorough investigation and testing in a controlled environment, always aware of a client’s sensitivities toward their particular impairment. I provide the best possible care for my patients. Please contact me with any hearing impairment questions or hearing needs you might have.
Manor Medical Center
189 Kelvin Drive
Morningside Manor
Click here
010 013 3777 (Appointments)
011 656 4542 (Office)